Sunday, October 03, 2004

Secrete Santa Confirmation

ok so iv gone through the previous blogs and have concluded that the following ppl have said that they want to participate.

Meg, Katty, Nat, Ryan, Marcus, Shantell, Chantal, Peter.

Trav and Deanna im not sure cos you said yes then no then later made comments that seem like ur in it.

i need answers from Josh and Jerry, also im gunna ask Terry if he wants to join.

if anyone has changed their minds either way, do tell me please.


Deanna said...

Sorry guys but Trav and I are definately out this time, maybe next year :o)

Moragg said...

I'm in... and on the day that the few of us are getting together to organise it, it kinda has to be at our place so that I can be studying also...

If we can work around this is would be great...

Joshua said...

Somehow I was convinced by Chontie that this was a good idea. Oh dear, here we go... so I guess I'm in.

Hope I don't have to climb down any dirty chimneys.