Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Okies. BBQ again on the 5th March. It will be at the next bbq place up from JC Slaughter Falls which is called: SIMPSON FALLS PARK. again, 10:30. See you there

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Songs in the City

The song in the city is sung by the man
Who is wretched and lonely with only one hand;
Who is frightened and weary and is waiting to leave
On a train going nowhere or a shadowy steed.

When he listens he hears what is hidden from all,
All but the madmen with their hollers and calls
To the girls in the night just meandering by,
To the place in their minds where they sit and they cry.

But their tears fall unanswered in the desolate night,
While the man lost and lonely overburdened with fright
Gains ground on the foothills with the mountains ahead
Never longing, never lonesome, ever growing instead.

There are some in the city who never will hear
That soothing sound of a song so clear
As to never be burdened with things left unsaid,
But happy humming along to the tunes in their heads.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Next Week

I'm graduating.

No plans for any post celebrations as of yet, but I might decide to organise a little something on Thursday, or possibly sometime after. I'll keep you posted.