Sunday, October 24, 2004

How To Write a Bad Novel

Perhaps if you are crazy enough, you would like to join me and lots of other people around the world, each attempting to franticly write a 50000 word novel during the 30 days in the month of November.

Head on over to:



Blogging Your Novel

Also, on a different note, you can take a look at this flash movie/clip I found while browsing.


Gremlin said...

josh, u and chantal, and ryan are yet to post about what presents u want for christmas to help out ur secret santa. as i reall it was hard enough trying to pick a present for ur bday and that was between all of us so i think will be hard for one person. so please help out ur secret santa and post, and if chantal and ryan can post to :)

Moragg said...

Am doing this thinga - want to see how it goes.