Sunday, October 17, 2004

Dear Santa, North Pole

Dear Secret Santa

For christmas I want...

reply to this with a gift idea list so as to make things easier for your santas


Gremlin said...

Dear Secret Santa

For Christmas I want......
A book, by Christmas I don't know what i'll be reading (and i dont wanna list all the books i already own or have read), but a book voucher will do, or new clothes or a clothing voucher, or anything to do with dragons :)

katia said...
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katia said...

Dear Santa,

For christmas I want

A tambourine
or... a clothing voucher
or... a cd or dvd or cd/dvd voucher
or... a cute faceplate cover for my phone, sony ericsson z600

love katty

Moragg said...
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Ingabish said...

omg whats with all the vouchers?


Dear Secret Santa

For christmas I want...

a black "flat cat" umbrella
or... anything to do with felix
or... a cool faceplate for my phone (nokia 6230)
if i think of anything else i'll add it later

Moragg said...

Dear Santa...

I would like

a book of Movies
Anything to do with dancing
A CD in German - not Rammstein's Reise Reise or Herzeleid because I have those.

Moragg said...


Dear Santa,

I would like anything to do with Bundy or Penguins!.

Joshua said...

Dear Secret Santa,

Gimme gimme gimme,

Lotsa cool stuff...
computer stuff
something shiny
Star Wars Trilogy
Seinfeld dvds
Star Trek TNG set
Beatles book
science books, chaos, evolution etc.
Lava lamp
a fish
64-bit motherboard and cpu
sound mixer board
a good vocal microphone
sound blaster audigy2 ZN platinum pro
book of quotations
a laptop
peace of mind

yours faithfully,


katia said...

if josh gets a laptop, then i want a computer :)

Ryan said...

Ok, so it only took me a month to post.
But like I have said, I had a massive amount of assignments and exams.

And I won't mention the fact that it kind of ruins the idea of the whole secret santa thing if you tell the person what you want...

But anyway.

The Elder Gods, by David Eddings.
Gift Voucher, by Games Workshop. Or
A Surprise, by Your Imagination.