Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Got Him

Matt was caught yesterday. he was at mums n there was a knock at the door and my lil sis answered and saw 2 military cops n 2 civillian cops n started crying n matt heard her crying and went out and surrended. he was in a holding cell last nite after all these medicals and was flown back at 9am. he'll be in army jail for awhile. 1 week of army jail is the equivalent to 1 yr in regular jail or summin n he'll be there for at least a month apparently. dunno how he's gonna cope.


Joshua said...

Why is the army jail so much worst than an ordinary jail?

Kat said...

army jail is a cell with 4 yellow lines. theres a toilet at the end of the 4th line and the door is at the 1st line. if soldiers have to be in there they have to march up and down the line and theres a guard watching them and they have to ask permission for absolutely everything they loss all priviledges. say u want a smoke, u have to ask permission, then ask to get it out of ur pocket then ask to open the pack then ask to get one out then ask to get ur lighter out then ask to light the lighter then ask to light the smoke then ask for each draw. and the guards are pricks and take their time to answer. my bros friend was in there and he had to go to the toilet and he had to ask permission to move to the next line and it took 2 hrs to finally get to the toilet. and he might have to do this for a month or so

Ingabish said...

shit. isnt there anyway you can like, quit the army? or are you stuck there

Kat said...

u have to serve minimum of 4 yrs or have a written statement from an employer saying that u have a new full time job or sum shit but u cant really go out and get a new job when ur in darwin so theres no real way till the 4 yrs is up which is like next april for him i thinks