Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Owwies :(

My fingie hurts :( I was trying to fix my neice's and nephew's computer... they need a better video card and the cd rom wasnt work. So i decided to try plugging another cd rom into the puter to see if that was the problem. The cd rom was awkward to get to and i wasnt sure of how to get it out so i just reached under to unplug it. The power cable thingy into the back of the cd was hard to pull out so i was tugging real hard and it came out, and my hand hit the other side of the inside of the case on something hard. So now i have this deepish cut on the middle finger on my right hand near the knuckle. It took a while to stop it bleeding but it hurts and looks kinda gross.
That's my story for today.

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