Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Oh What Fun

Look, where once atop our blog was a big blocky advertising thing, now sits a sleek, slender, sexy little navbar. We can even change its colour. Oh what fun.

But wait, it does more than just look pretty. You can click the "Blogger" logo to go straight to your dashboard (or www.blogger.com if you're not logged in). You can use the cute little search box to search the entire blog for anything you want. Go on, give it a try. There is also a "Next Blog" button, which will magically transport you far far away to a blog updated not long ago. The other button "Get Your Own Blog" can be used to create a blog of your own (basically just there for blogger/google to expand their ever-increasing strangle hold on the internet and further their plans for world domination using high-tech web-crawler robots of death...).

1 comment:

katia said...

wish i could get as excited over a website