Sunday, July 04, 2004

We have a car (sorta) :)

OK it was peters Bday today. Peter, Aleria, Marcus, Meg and I went to sizzler for dinner, and then we saw Spiderman 2 again.
We got a car today. YAY we got it for free its ok. I cant complain seeing we get it for free. It doesn't go atm cos It has a flat battery so we gotta tow it home and we gotta do a few things to it, cos the person who owns its ex boyfriend took some parts from the motor so we gotta replace them. We gotta get a roadworthy done and we gotta get it registered and all the other stuff. Its a Honda Civic. Its a cool colour Purpley-blue colour. I do have a huge complaint. well 2. Its everything I hate in a car. lol its 2 door and a hatch back. lol the 2 things I hate about cars most and I gotta put up with it. But we aint paying for it sorta. still gotta get it going. but I Cant complain about something thats free. :). I dunno what year it is forgot to ask. but we will have it here sometime before next weekend cos The owner is moving this weekend. so umm yeah. its cool I suppose. :)
oh and is neone gunna put in for a present for peter we know what to get him its gunna cost bout $135, if its still in the store. He wants an amp and a mic. we r gunna get it from cash converters if its still there. Marcus knows which one cos he was shopping with peter. the party isnt till the 17th so I need to know by then. we r gunna put the stuff on lay-buy on Monday so umm yeah.
ok well blog ya later dudes

1 comment:

Ingabish said...

You got a free fricking car. You dont whinge about free things. So stop fucking whinging about it. You just dont realise how good you got it... >:S