Thursday, July 01, 2004

my week

Well i had a pretty fun week... my dad came to aust on friday after my first and last exam for sex drugs rock n roll at 8:30am... (so cold)anyway i finished an hr early so i went down from the main uni to the creative industries area and went on the computers. Then i met up with my dad, we went to new farm and had some food, and the chic who served us was really excited that she and i had the same shoes... anyway then we decided to go to the city and we saw an unmarked cop car chase another car and then about a min later a cop car with a holding cell drove past also with its sirens on. So we then went into the mall and in the mall were heaps more cops and kids and camera men... apparently there was a huge fight with 80 rival school students, and it began with a cat fight between 2 girls. So after we went around the city we decided to go to redcliffe and some old guy came up to me there and said "are you lost, redcliffe is a pretty big city so its easy to get lost"... anyway that night i went to the movies and saw mean girls.

on saturday dad bought me a leather computer chair for my birthday and we saw a play called "proof".. i liked the lighting effects best with this play... the topic was about advanced maths and stuff... its a movie too apparantly (might not be out yet) with gwyenth paltrow, anthony hopkins and jake gyllenhaal.. the dad in the play seemed familiar but i cant remember where

on sunday jerry invited me out to the footy to see the broncos vs the raders.. anyways after the game i saw eternal sunshine of the spotless mind in the city... it is such a good movie.. everyone should see it!!!

On monday we went to the gold coast, walked around the beach and then went to harbour town.

Tuesday was the most fun, i drove around the side streets, and then we went to mt cootha had some lunch and then went to the plantearium... it was amazing, they showed a movie about the galaxy and stuff on the dome screen... it was soo cool (and the voice over guy was morphius), at one point you go though this cluster of stars and matter and stuff and the lady next to me thoought they were gonna fall on her... and you also went through a wormhole... and cause the screen basically was 365deg around you it felt like you were in it... it was amazing. then we saw supersize me...

Wednesday morning dad left, but before he left he gave me another driving lesson... and for my bday he gave me money for some professional lessons

so my week was fun!

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