Thursday, January 12, 2006


Ok, so, I am aware that you all did not have BBQs while I was away... or did you? Anyways, I am reinitiating them... next one at JC Slaughter Falls, 5 February, 10am.


Deanna said...


Gremlin said...

we did a few BBQs, but some ppl are to up-themselves to attend so I stoped arranging them. meh

Moragg said...

oh well... we can say, this is when it is going to happen, and if only 2 people turn up, then that's fine...

Ingabish said...

Who are you pointing the finger at when saying "but some people are too up themselves to attend"? I never went to one, but you better not be talking about me.

katia said...

woah that was really rude shantell.. whoever it was aimed at

also what bbqs???? i never knew of any

Moragg said...

Well, now we are all clear - the bbq will be on the first Sunday of February, ie 5th Feb, at JC Slaughter Falls, where we have gone a few times with almost everyone... meeting at 10am. Bring own food, chairs, etc etc... and a book unless you want to go bushwalking...

Gremlin said...

was mainly aimed at the origional bbq group among other things

katia said...

ok, well i thought it was aimed at natty and myself since we never went to any

Ingabish said...

"among other things"?

Ingabish said...

I reckon it's rude whoever it was directed at. You can't force people to do everything you want them to Shantell, just like you tell me im boring when i say i cant do something. You just have to accept the fact that you will not always get what you want.

Moragg said...

oh fuck off you stupid children. Must every goddamn post that we write up here be scrutinised and commented on negatively? Grow the fuck up and let us be ourselves or get the fuck off the blog.

katia said...

jeez lighten up and stop telling people to grow up and calling them children.. it sounds more pathetic than patronising

also in case you havent noticed but the blog is where we usually have fights, even ask shantell...

Ingabish said...

Excuse me? Go fuck yourself Meg. I think you and shantell are the ones that need to grow up, and get a fucking life.

Ingabish said...

I just cannot fucking stand people who think they're so fucking great that they go around calling people names because they don't do what they want them to, or they can't get their own way, and i cant stand people who are rude. And i was never talking to you in the first fucking place meg so butt the fuck out.

Moragg said...

Natalie and Katja... if you have noticed, I understand the fights are on the blog. That was my point. It always starts with someone making a banal comment, that requires a yes or no comment, and people write negatively which annoys other people and it escalates. It is hurtful and spiteful of all of us who partake in this kind of commenting. I believe that this blog is now causing more rifts in friendships than anything else. We are all moving on and trying to hold onto friendships that are dying is causing tension. Differing interests are good... differing ideas are excellent. It is the anger and annoying (and rude) comments that we write on the blog that need to stop. Otherwise Josh should ban us all.