Friday, September 22, 2006

The Madhappies Jubilee


Moragg said...

Is that like extrinsic or intrinsic motivation? :)

Joshua said...

It's more like intrinsic motivation, only for all the wrong reasons. However, if you come along, we can make it worth your while ;) if y'know what I mean...

Moragg said...


Deanna said...

lol how was your housewarming? Sorry we couldn't make it...damn those bills...we are going to try to make this one though. :o)

Joshua said...

cool, will be great to see you again. it seems like it's been so long.

Deanna said...

Hi ya

unfortunately we won't be able to make anything this weekend :( I've tried like crazy to get this weeks desired assignment and study work out of the way but I'm still trying to catch up from the weekend we took for our anniversary :( I will try to convince Trav to go on his own but he seems keen to stay home and sleep lol poor bugger he's worked his butt off as per usual and is working on Sat morning as well.

We really really miss all of you and I'm so very sorry that my study is getting in the way so much :( I am only taking on half the work load next year to give me a break (as suggested by my unit co-ordinator) so hopefully we'll have lots of time for our friends :)

Instead of a xmas party this year we are thinking a new-years party or something along those lines, what would suit u guys (seems there's lots of plans already for Nov and Dec is all).

Okay well have a great day everyone :) and lots of fun this weekend :)

Lots of love and cuddles

De and Trav :o)

PS I now have a gmail account which is open when I can chat so feel free to say g'day its the same as my main email just says instead of hotmail. :o) hotmail is still running as well and msn is always open :)