Saturday, March 04, 2006

Free food rocks....

Tonight we went to dinner at fasta pasta, katty and natty invited us to dinner and movies at stafford earlier tonight and then after we had decided we would get out of bed, as we were just about to go to sleep, theh decide they wanna go to the city. its kinda a long way to go to the city just to eat, and i really didnt wanna be out late and a trip to the city always ends up being late, + the added bother of actually getting to the city was too much. so sry guys but just wasnt really up for the city tonight. ne way, as we were already decided, i msg ppls and told them to meet at 8, only John Marr and Meg came but the cool thing. a good friend of Nickki's works at FP and she go us our entire meal and drinks for free. yay :p woot, free food always is the best. lol
so we got free food yay, hehehe

so we had dessert at cold rock and now im off to bed so night all.

Damn user aggreements....

Zombies, zombies, I want to see the zombies, .......Eat brains, Eat brains...

Foamy is my lord and master.


katia said...

fasta pasta sucks anyways... the new menus are crap... & no herb bread omg

we ended up going to the city, had spring rolls at the casino and then went to the pancake place... stalked some intriguing looking people & then met up with a friend of mine whom i havent seen in a while

oh btw shantell there were freebies at o-week, but they were near the guild bar at gp, i recon they were hiding them for us, you could get diaries and free shirts... and my id card is dead now lol

katia said...

also what are you rambling on about at the bottom of that msg... weirdo

Ingabish said...


Ingabish said...

yeah cus the city is like... sooo far away and everything

katia said...

isnt the city supposto be central :p

... its easier for me to get to the city than to get to stafford (on public transport)

Gremlin said...

well yeah the city is prety far away for us. it was too far to go just for dinner especially when we were as tired as we were.

Moragg said...

her ramblings are in reference to a squirrel that is on the internet that is relatively amusing. if you are interested...