Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Agh I must be getting annoying by now

I HAD to let those know who went swimming on Saturday, I made a promise that I would go swimming every day after work and love it.......GUESS WHAT I have been :o) it's been sooo much FUN we went yesterday and it was storming around Coolum but not IN Coolum it was sooo good to watch lol.



Love De :o) xoxoxo


Moragg said...

Ok, so I know this should be attached to the other post, actually about this topic, but the stupid computers have had something updated and the internet is not actually working and only shows the top half of a page, so with the two comments already done on the other post I cannot add one... I hate computers some times.

Anyway... I would love to come if it is after the 6th january... and if someone can take me up there. I have no car and owe Mum $15,000 and Dad $5000 so have noooo money for years to get a car. I hate debt...

Deanna said...

Hi hi, we are thinking the last weekend in Jan for another bash but this time byo everything lol. (except bedding to a certain extent of course :o)

We would love to see you here Meg :o) hhhmmm maybe a welcome back party is in order ;o)

Moragg said...

lol... well, I have about 5000 photos if you want to see them... lol

Deanna said...

Meh, why not lol, just bring em along on a cd or something I can plug into my very old lap top and c what happens lol.