Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Shooting in Queen Street, New York

Before going to Muse on Sunday, Jerry and I were walking down queen street when we noticed a crowd of people standing around what seemed like a car accident, but something wasn't right. There were police everywhere blocking off traffic and pedestrians, so we decided to have a closer look. Jerry noticed that the number plates on the beat up cars had the words 'New York" on them.

Turns out they were shooting a scene from a movie apparently set in New York. We stayed to watch the five second take, then headed further down queen street, which was all blocked off to traffic and had a few New York yellow taxicabs parked on the side of the road.

Queen Street closed off for shooting

Jerry in front of a New York cab

Josh in front of a New York cab


katia said...

hehe cool... now i wanna see how much like new york they can get brisbane to look on screen...

what flim/tv/commercial/whatever was it for do you know?

Joshua said...

Jerry tried looking on the internet, but couldn't find anything about it. Maybe it's some secret project... ooooooooh.

katia said...

there wouldnt find any information on most projects unless you subscribe to agent and management sites, unless of course its a big project and the press have released some information on it.