Monday, January 08, 2007

Skirmish etc

Hi my sister Gin who is organising everything posted me this

Are you all geared up for saturday? Ok the run down is we all have to be at samford paintball place at 8:30am!! Is everyone on your list coming for sure?? Are we still all going to the comedy club? Sam and i would love to come if we are? Sam has decided that he wants to keep his bbq small so please dont invite your friends. its nothing personal or anything I think his mum and that actually wants to have a b'day with him.

The ppl at skirmish suggested that ppl bring an eski or something with drinks for the breaks in between games just a suggestion anyway. They also said that the 100 paint balls we get in the deal that I told you about ($30 incl. deposit) wont be enough to get you through the 3hrs of play so I have info on other deals if you want.

Okay so what I need from you guys is:

Do u want more info re more paintballs? Checkout the website if u don't find what you want let me know and I will pass onto Gin

and Who's definately coming to the comedy club and who definately is not coming?

Thanks Guys...asap on all this would be fantastic cheers again.


Moragg said...

Hey. We are still coming to Skirmish but it is the same day as Tenacious D, so can't come to the Comedy Club. :( sorry.

Just give us the prices of what can get us through 3 hours of play so that we can budget.

Deanna said...

From Gin

"ok what i have been telling everyone is if they bring $60 (so $70 incl deposit) that gets them the next deal up which includes 378 paint balls. it works out the cheapest!

you can buy 1000 paint balls for $119 but even if 5 ppl go in on that each person only gets an extra 200 paintballs and it will cost them an extra $25 or so per person on top of their $30 (incl. deposit) per person for deal one"

Deanna said...

Hi Ginette's bf (the guy organising it all) has put the following together:

The details for skirmish.

Where – 321 Mt Samson Rd Samford. If your heading to samford via ferny grove, turn left at the roundabout to go into the main street of samford, then continue along the road until you reach the paint ball location a few kilometers down the road. There is a sign on the left of the road and you can easily miss it, so keep your eyes open. Beware that the road that leads into the skirmish grounds are a bit dodgy because of the recent rain. So be careful.
When – Saturday 13th January (this Saturday)
What Time – Need to arrive before 8:30am for safety talks, getting gear etc.. Games start a 9:00am and finish at 12:00pm. There will be breaks in between games for rest.
Need – You need to bring enclosed shoes, no thongs or slippers. And good comfortable clothes.
How much - $29.95 will get you the basic pack (gun, overalls) and 100 paintballs.
$67.50 will get you the same with 378 paint balls
$97.50 578 paint balls
$132.50 will get you a better gun, better vest to carry paint balls, 878 paint balls and a grenade.

Protection – Females will get a vest to protect their chest with the overalls, but males will have to buy a separate box to protect themselves for $5 (I think).
Gloves are $6 (I think)

Extra Paintballs - $17.50 - 78 paint balls
$38.00 - 200 paint balls
$72.00 - 400 paint balls
$6.60 - grenade

Because all of you have put in your $10 deposit, that will be taken off what ever you buy.
The lady I talked to when I was their suggested going for the 378 paint ball pack, as it will probably last the session (unless your trigger happy). You’re free to go in with several people to buy a big paintball pack to save yourselves some money.

Chouchou said...

Hey De, Ok I'm definately coming to skirmish but I won't be able to afford the Comedy Club cause I've just paid bond for my new flat and money is extremely tight :)

Deanna said...

Thats cool :) we might reduce it down to drinks on the back deck of my mums place or something, I know we are pretty tight for money at the moment as well. We have alot of b'days this month.

Moragg said...

Hey. It was good to see you all. Hope you had a great time. Can't get over how brilliant both your sisters look. And you of course!

Deanna said...

lol thanks Meg thats awesome to hear :D I reckon you were smart to sit out I am sooooooooo sore today lol and poor old Trav played the whole three hours and his muscles are killing him lol ooohhhh. Not too many bruises here how did everyone else go with bruises?

Hey Lyn my sister ginette thought you were awesome fun lol :D