Thursday, November 25, 2004


Hi everyone,

Well as most of you know Trav and I have decided to go to Cairns for our holidays. We got talking at the last Poker night about visiting the Bundaberg factory (ie rum etc) and came up with the idea that we (Trav, me and well, everyone else) should make it part of our trip as it's about a quarter of the way to Cairns.

Ok so the question is who would want to come to the Bunderberg factory with us? It's a good 6 hour drive to get there plus petrol stops and we won't be able to take people in our car as we will be continuing on. Anyway so the plan is we meet at Travs Papa's house (if you don't know where that is sms me on Travs number) at 4am on boxing day and leave by 430am. I know it sounds really early but that has been our plan for our trip all along so yeah and besides it will get us there nice and early. Now, I will check out if the factory is even open on boxing day and if its not I can look into accommodation (probably camping unless you want something nicer, usually I can get a room for two per night at $75)

So basically what I need from you is who's interested? and who is interested who has a car that will make the trip, Trav says its all highway driving most of the way and no dirt roads.

Ok so let me know before I start calling around bundy


love De xo


Gremlin said...

sorrys not us this time.
im not too interested in rum so im not really up to a 6 hr drive just to see a rum factory. but u guys have fun. :)

Moragg said...

not sure. I will have to look into work schedule etc etc. and my car wouldn't make it up there.

Ingabish said...