Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Halloween has had a change. There will be two versions - the 28th October with Chontie - in costumes and probably hanging out somewhere not at my house. And also one a week later so that more people are able to come. Both Saturday night.

Please post and tell us if you are able to attend. (Or sms, or email etc) This will help with knowing what munchies etc to purchase.

Costumes are requested for both. Please reply so Chontie and I know what to plan for the 28th and then if the 4th needs to run.

1. 28th October. 7pm. Not sure where, when we know who is going we will organise something.

2. 4th November. 7:30pm. I am at a wedding during the day which goes until 6pm. Everyone is expected. It'll be at my house. BYO alcohol etc. Probably buy a few bags of chips or something. BBQ will also be on the day after unless we negotiate not to have it until a week later.

Please reply so that we know and can give the info about the 28th October oen to people at the bbq in October.

Thanks, Meg


Deanna said...

As it is smack bang in the middle of exam time we will only be attending one, probably the one on 28th cause exams usually wait till november for us externals. However when i know the dates i will know for sure. I prefer not to wear costume in public me a prude...I call me nervous lol. Will wear costume if at someones house whom i know. lol.

Moragg said...

probably will be at my house. Just going to get numbers and then clear it with my mum. She's hesitant to have two if it is a lot of people both times, but if one's big and the other's like 5-6 she'll be cool.

Either way, it'll be good.

28th is completely cool. See you then!

Deanna said...

Cool :o) EVERYONE COME ON THE 28TH!!!!!! hehehe :P

Gremlin said...

we can come on the 4th :)

Chouchou said...

Don't worry about the 28th, I've got work on saturday morning and Sunday arvo anyway, was only coming down for the night. Should be back next Sunday maybe...

Moragg said...

Hey De, I need to know about you and Trav coming down for the 28th - are you definate. Because at the moment, it's you, Trav, Ryan and me on that day. People are rather unsurprising in their complete lack of rsvps. Goddamn them.

Deanna said...

Sorry Meg :( I dont know until I know exam dates, so will let u know then okay? Thanks again. Maybe just assume that we will come with the majority?

Moragg said...

Ok. not a problem.

Deanna said...

have u set any dates yet? my exams are 13/11 and 16/11 so cant come if its 11/11 :)


Moragg said...


4 November after 7pm. Come in costume.
Bring snacks and drinks if you require them. It will be at the end of four weeks with no money for me.