Friday, September 23, 2005


Just wondering whats gonna be happening with halloween this year... we need a party place!!


Gremlin said...

hmmmmm, when is it. does anyone wanna donate their house for the event

katia said...


31st october

Ingabish said...

wow thanks for like, rewording my question. Like, totally.

Moragg said...

You could all come to my place - I have hundreds of people who would join in...

Ingabish said...

you gonna pay for us all to get there? :p

Gremlin said...

you were not asking ppl IF we can have it at their house. you were making a statement about needing a house. if it was supposed to be a question u should have worded it better.

Ingabish said...

Well i kinda assumed people would figure that out... why else would i sa it.
and must you pick on everything i say on the blog atm? It's really starting to get at me :/

katia said...

i took it as a question statement... we're not stupid, not everything needs to be spellt out.

and we dont necessaraly need a house to have it at...

Gremlin said...

you picked on what I said,

"wow thanks for like, rewording my question. Like, totally"

I am merely defending myself. I might be harsh in my defence but it seems I'm defendig myself everytime I post here lately.
Remember you attacked first, AGAIN!
If you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything!!!! It dosent help anyone it just helps to piss ppl off.

I took it as a statement.

Dont ever assume a person will just figure something out, because the one time u think they will get it they wont, and thats how things go wrong. I'v made that mistake too many times.
"assumption is the mother of all fuck ups."

Ingabish said...

ok, im sorry, next post i'll talk to everyone like they're 2 years olds.
thanks for the assistance.

Ingabish said...

and, if you couldnt tell, i wasnt actually saying it in a bitchy way, sorta more like a joking way?

And seriously, what else would i have meant by saying "we need a party place". it doesnt matter anyway cus halloween is on a monday night and i start at 6am tuesday morning so i cant go anyway.

katia said...

dont have to celebrate halloween on the day...

a friday or saturday night would be better anyway

Ingabish said...

yeah i know.
but remember last year how we celebrated halloween early and people were yelling out at us "its not halloween yet!"
meh, anyway, we got no where to have it anyway.

katia said...

really natty, does it matter what other people say?

who gives a shit... were not even american, its not a holiday here anyway... but we've still been having parties for it

Ingabish said...

yeah i know. well, we cant really celebrate it if we have no where to celebrate it.. so uno.

katty whats going on.

Gremlin said...

could have it at my mums house. maybe, if you want. dont really know where else we could have it. cant have it here cos marcus dad too sick and wil chuck a mental if we even think about asking.