Sunday, August 28, 2005


How come in your profile it says you're only a member of pirate blog, not friends of gooey? and Gooeyz girlz??? hm!??!


katia said...

ohhh a personalised post just for me...

like i know...

well here is what i can come up with... i have a migrane atm so bear with me if this is incomprehensable. gooey girls is a hidden blog, hence it wont come up on our profiles... anyways we dont use it anymore

i cant remember why i took gooey blog off my list. i think i made all my blogs secret before the pirate one so thats why thats visible... i dont know...

and that word vertification is annoying

Moragg said...

word verification sucks!

I could almost... well not really... put up with blogspam to avoid it....


Gremlin said...

huh? when did that start

Ingabish said...

lol i completely forgot i made that was hidden lol.

and.. i was gonna say "wtf is word verifaction, but i just saw it so nevermind. at least it'll sto that advertising spam crap... right?