Monday, December 13, 2004


how come no one posts here anymore?!?! where has everyone gone?!?!?!



Gremlin said...

we havent gone anywhere, we just dont have anything to post about. :) nothing exciteing has happened laltey that needs posting about
and everything thats comming up has been posted about

katia said...

i post photos, but im not really gonna bother anymore cause no one really seems interested in seeing them.

pierre is gone :( he thought it would be fun to play in a family ehrlomb (sp?) and kinda broke part of it (luckly it was a small part) but it kinda was the last straw for my mum.. so sad

cute thing was though when jane came to pick him up he was asleep under the christmas tree

Deanna said...

The most interesting thing that has happened with Trav and I is that we FINALLY got all our furniture last w'end and were awake till midnight on Sunday night putting it all together 7HRS wow I'm still tired lol.

What has everyone else been up to??

Oh and we have started preparations for our Cairns trip :o)

Moragg said...
