Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Secret santa.

ok. we decided tonight that we would meet here at marcus parents house for a movie night eveyone is invited, but everyone intending to be involve in the secret santa must come to get a name. im also gunna call ppl just in case. the movie night will start at 6 we will do names when everyone is here. if this dosent aggree with anyone please tell me so we can arrange a different time. ok
and with the sizzler dinner in december. everyone is invited not just the secret santa ppl. :)


Gremlin said...

ok sorry guys. im an idiot. the movie night cannot be on saturday night cos its my mums 50th bday party. it can be in sunday if this is ok with everyone
if not then it will be next week.

Moragg said...

Is Friday possible or did we say we were doing something then? I know a few of us have places to be on Monday

Joshua said...

Where in the post did it say Saturday night?

Gremlin said...

it didnt say it was on saturday night cos i forgot to put it in. but it dosent matter now. friday night is ok but i gotta be at mums house prety early but is should be ok. :)

Moragg said...

Friday night ok. Shall ring you anyway and confirm as it is now 5pm Friday.