Friday, October 08, 2004

ok im bored of my hair. i need other ppls opnion. im not sure what to do whith my hair. should i leave it as it is and let it grow. should i dye it and let it grow. or should i cut is again back to one of the styles iv had it. or something else. what is a good style for me. im not sure. i need help. LOL. please give ur opnion of what hair style i look good in. :) Posted by Hello


Deanna said...

If you can keep it looking as good as it does in the pic of you with really red hair and make-up, I think that style would be cool, the question is can you do that AND keep it healthy?? lol just my opinion.

Joshua said...

You should grow it really, really long and then put it up Princess Leia style.

Ingabish said...

i reckon, like you had it in the photo on the 2nd row where it was shortish and blonde. the photo where you're wearing a singlet shirt and the photo is kinda diagonal. i liked it like that.