Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Hi again

As i don't have a digital camera, let alone a computer, I was wondering if someone could pls send me good pics of my thing last w'end and of Shans 21st and any other good pics :o) I want to put them on CD and then put them into Kodak to get hard copies, then go to Crazy Clarks to get some classic frames to put them in. they can be of anyone and anything. :o) pls pls pls pls it would be much appreciated.

Chon and Josh I have an awesome hard copy pic of you two, I will show it to you next time I see you.

Gotta Run

love De

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Yep absolutely, AND you don't have to pay me for it if u can convince Josh to send me more pics from the last two parties ;o) lol