Saturday, August 26, 2006

BBQ September

Now that some photos are up from this month. it's time to start thinking about next weekend. It's the 3rd of September...

Going back to Arlington. 11:30am. As last month.

Friday, August 25, 2006

BBQ fun

ok iv been lazy ill put up the pics from the last bbq. :) we had lots of fun.

I'm not sure why we got the chips cos they didn't seem to get eaten much. :(

John eating some of the chips

the boys decided that they wanted to try to launch each other from the see-saw. didnt really work very well.

Marcus on the see-saw.

Chris and Rickettz on the swings :)

nice umm errr tongue

The sewer ppl.
After the playground proved to be uninteresting it was decided to explore the nearby sewer. Posted by Picasa


Phill and Jerry sewer explorers

Marcus sewer explorer

and Josh

inside the sewer


nice pose :p

and another hehe

Matt decided he wanted to join them

cya Matt

Chris looking overly excited :p

Josh balancing on the kangaroo bouncing thing

super Phill

Jerry relaxing after his explorations

this is just a weird photo :p

my brother Jade jumping off the swing.




Josh and his video cam on which the movie "Arlington Park" was filmed

John being really excited talking about Eve. Chirs and Rickettz look realy interested... lol

Meg reading some uni stuff :)

Cast and crew pics :p

I cant stop laughing everytime I see this pic. lol