Saturday, December 17, 2005

Weekend at Trav and De's December 2005

Optical illusion, the tarp looks like the ocean in the background at first glance. :)

We got to Trav and De's late Saturday arvo, No one was there. They we out getting lunch. so we waited. And took their photos when they arrived. :P

then we played some pool.

then went to the beach....

Katty made a turtle..

while everyone else went swimming... i like this pic.

Marcus and Josh body surfed. :P

then tried to catch some fish....

look closley u will see the fish in the wave

Josh got a sandy arse

then it was time to leave

off to the showers to wash off all the annoying sand

towl hat club

then we went home for drinks and partying.
Marcus and Josh cossy up together on the "love seat" lol :P

De with one of the weird lips and tongue lollies

Katty did Marcus' hair Posted by Picasa

dinner was good, thanx Trav and De for a great night. :)

then the drinking really started lol
but then for some it never really finnished. :P

then Natty and Katty did their own hair, (shaved fringes with a razor. :P)

then it was spa time. :P

the next morning well I should say arvo. :) everyone was up and happy. :p

well maybe not everyone......

we packed up and left trav and de's

and went to the beach. nice pose Nat :P

Josh dug a hole

Ben died....(looks like a sim death)

and we swam, Josh diving into a wave

Josh is gunna join Bay Watch

then we went to the pool...

Marcus and Ben played ball

Nat and Chontie did laps

Josh and Katty didnt swim

then after that we left, we wnt back to my mums place and i took pics of Ichigo hes soo cute