hello everybody,
well i thought i might just post a message. I dont really like this site cause it keeps screwing up my internet explorer, and ihave a brand new computer. Well anyway.
So, how has everybody been? i just saw Troy with nat, shantell and marcus i liked it.... and not just cause orlando bloom was in it, but he was nakie in one scene so that was a bonus but you couldnt see anything, damn camera men... hmm maybe in the bloopers or something.
whell it is 2:37am on saturday early morning and i am cold and not tired,im gonna get a hair cut tomorrow, my hair grows too damn fast.
Whell at the moment i have been working a lot on uni, ive gotta do these weired assignemtnes about making a webpage about myself but from other peoples perspective which also represent my time space and conceptual understandind, i had to do an image like that too, and i have to make a narrative. My narrative is disturbing but different. but not disturbing in like a bad way, its got a twist and its dark and odd.
\umm josh asked me to write about my experience with joining. whell this is it, i was in the library at the rbh and it didnt work, then it did. i was at the rbh cause whilst i was at uni i got a phonecall to go to the emergency cause my sister dislocated her knee, so i handed in my assignment which i was just putting the finishing touches on and forgot to re link an important picture (website) and went to the hospital. then today i went on 7 different busses. I went first to rbh then transferred to qut then quickly relinked the picture then took the wrong bus then took a bus to the city then ate subway for lunch then took a bus to uq, got lost found uq connect, got 3months unlimited internet then got a bus to the city then got a bus home then got a taxi to the movies, ate dinner then watched troy, nat drove me home and here i am now
interesting isnt it
well im gonna stop writing, you all probably dont understand my incoherent babble, but thats just me and is part of a huge packgage which makes me soo special... awwwww
seeya all sometime